Sunday, January 29, 2012

Life in the PNW.

I'm still getting use to this place, considering all the freakish snow they had this winter that surprised even then locals I'm thinking F this place it's time I got the hell out.  Don't get me wrong I kept telling my girlfriend that I hope it snows while she was here so she could have a white Christmas, yes despite how much I loath snow there are times I'm willing to look past it for the happiness of someone I care very deeply for. It's a shame she missed it, it truly is and well with all the stuff that happened within a week of her leaving well I really wish she could have stayed longer I could have used the help but I managed.

   So a late gift to myself was something nice expensive as hell and oh yeah painful to make the price tag but Uncle Sam did for me as a thank you for being so willing to bleed and die for this ungrateful nation I live in.  Oh and we can't forget it'll help make me a better soldier because I can shoot and kill better this way without needing glasses.  That's right I went and got PRK done and holy crap did it hurt, though smelling your own eyeballs cook ans you willing look at a laser well that's a whole new level of pain lover or just plain insane, I'll get back with you when I finally figure it out.  Plus it'll be wonderful when the sun stops hurting so damn much.

Anyways I thought I'd put up a update on here since it's been freakin forever.


  1. Thanks for your comment, that was really nice. :) Hope your eyes get better quickly; I've always wanted to get that surgery so I don't have to wear glasses/contacts. Daddy says it would be pointless since I'll eventually go blind anyways, but geez it would be good for *now* until whenever that happens! It's good to hear from you again. :)

    1. I am alive and well surprisingly enough, as for going blind this fixes a few problems but I wouldn't know why you would go blind hon. However it is very painful and a regiment to keep your eyes from scarring and having problems after words. Yeah it is nice to hear from you again as well, I figured my post would get over locked considering the number of posters you have.
