Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

So as a whole the gift giving and such went off without a hitch, which was to be expected.  It was nice and calm, lots of fun was had and nothing went insane.  The food was amazing like always.  My question is why is it so hard to find someone that can tell me the honest truth about things, like who they really are.  I can say that I am as honest and true as anyone will get, but that would be self servering.  I allow others to make that judgement call for themselves but be warned I am brutally honest at times and don't like sugar coating things. 

Like so many others I just want a good healthy relationship were I can be myself and she can be herself.  That's the problem anymore though, no one wants to be honest with themselves or with the ones they supposedly want to be with.  So it begs the question why do we even bother anymore, all people want anymore is just random hookups and no connections.   Yet you will find so many who are depressed about being alone and unhappy with their lives and what makes it all worse is that they refuse to change it because it's to scary to make changes.  Why then do people even bother to live if they can't face change?

I always ask these things because I live a life that so many can't handle, that they don't understand.  Less than 10% of Americans ever have the nerve to step up and serve, yet it begs the question why we do it.  Some do it for the college money, some do it to travel, others just to have a job because work is hard to find and the list goes on.   Everyone has their own reasons,  but why is it that we work so hard to do so much for so many and yet we can never find happyness it seems.  But that is my lament, a lack of happyness for me is more a lack of purpose, sure serving my country is a great purpose.  But what about a wife, a family, those are things that are more important, they give life meaning in those regards.  I've often heard it said that for someone to truely be happy with someone else they first must make themselves happy and I must disagree whole heartedly with this.  A person can make themselves happy with basic things on a day to day basis, but true happyness comes with that connection we share with others because we were made to be social creatures.   Don't get me wrong I'm a bit of a loner, I need my time to think and be to myself, but once I have my head cleared I would enjoy nothing more than to curl up with my lady and watch a movie or heck just sleep. 

After all folks it's the simple pleasures, never get to involved in things that you think are fun.  If it takes to much work to enjoy something chances are you'll get frustratied to fast and often to enjoy it.


  1. i thought about en-listing at one point. into the navy like my dad i would have even gotten a insta promotion due to my NJROTC classes and rank. but i decided a while before i graduated that i couldn't do it that it didn't feel right. i would love to see the world and have lots of money and hell even a freaking job but i won't go to the military for that.but i respect and support those that for whatever reason went.

  2. Sometimes it's the best thing we can do with our lives, other times it's just a foot note in the history we will write. For some it's just not for them and that's life.
