Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years!!

Happy or otherwise, it's just one more year I've managed to survive.  With all the things that could have possibly gone wrong and they are many, I'm still alive and kicking.  The Meatloaf song "Alive" says a lot for the life I've lived so far and will keep living till a woman can come into my life and settle me down properly.  I honestly wish I had a beautiful lady to kiss on this night of all nights but that's just another want in life. 

Though today went well, got my plane ticket changed for my flight back to South Korea so I can fly out of Nashville instead of leaving out of Madison Wisconsin.  I don't know what the hell I was thinking in all of that, I knew things would go wrong but that's life, I should have listen to my gut though and planned it out properly instead of holding on to hope.  After all "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment." If it's not with in your realm of control to make sure something happens, get ready to be disappointed but if things turn out for the best, say your thanks and enjoy the pleasant surprise. 

I know I know I'm jaded, often fairly bitter but you know something.  I'm often right because human nature is predictable in so many ways and people will often let you down.  I would just for once like to be proven wrong, hell I would even love to be rewarded for all the faith I place in people despite my better judgment.  Please someone show me I'm not wasting my time and prayers for people to just be good and for once maybe kind.  If someone above sees fit maybe just maybe direct some of that my way please.  I could use a gift of renewed faith in people, women especially.


  1. Happy New Year Gunbunny, It seems that we have a few things in common such as romantic disappointments... I've found blogging to be a theraputic means of venting as well as making some wonderful friends all over the world. Thanks for following along with my blog. I've also added myself to yours.

    -Valley Girl

  2. Hence why I've often used the term "misanthropist" to describe myself. I think maybe for me it's that I trust too easily. Daddy says that I expect people to be as kind and open as I am. Well, why not?! There are good people out there though. Don't let the plethora of jerks ruin you.

  3. I don't know so much about kind but manners would be nice. Maybe a wee bit of civility aswell.
