Friday, December 24, 2010

New to this.

This is my first attempt at blogging so please bare with me on this, as I go through my growing pains. 

With that being said let's see if we can get this train on the right tracks and rolling.  Ok so lets start things off by giving you a little back story.  I'm a soldier if you can't tell by the name and it's my dream job.  I know a lot of people think it's insane but they were never raised with the mindset to put others before your self and serve a great cause.  Yes yes I know it's the Christian thing to do, yes it is however 97% of them don't do it and often are hypocrites about it to boot.  I've got a pretty simple outlook on things; all I want to do is be a soldier, a good husband and a great father.

 Simple things, at least I use to think so, well being a soldier is if you just do what your told, follow orders and not think for yourself.  Hard for this kid not to do, I'm a free thinker and it's got it's own positives and negatives. Being a husband was a nightmare some years ago but a few years ago I was left then divorced and it opened some amazing doors for me again.  Don't get me wrong I don't believe in running when something gets hard, I wanted to try and save my marriage but she was having none of that but then again she had already made up her mind.  So here I am back on active duty some time later after it's all gone down and I'm thrilled as can be. So now that you have some background on me, let's start this off right.

1 comment:

  1. My Daddy was in the Navy for 8 years. The military lifestyle is really hard, but it's nice to hear you talk about serving others and such. Not every military member feels those things. Daddy always talks just like you. Thank you for being a soldier. :)
