Thursday, June 9, 2011

Another hot day down!

So let’s set the stage for today, I wake up still rattled from the nights thunder and lightning, this morning was the Division run and well since my left ankle is a wreck right now I spent my time putting my body through as much muscle failure as I could manage.   Now with that being said, I had work to still do for the day and came back to the battery to get cleaned, eat breakfast and changed.  Off to work I went, so the day progressed just fine.  Hot and sunny a rather nice day, so after lunch the Lt has me  and one of the other joes take a HMMWVE over to the paint shop, so we got that ready to roll.  Well on the way there, I got to enjoy old times of running around with no top or doors on the truck.  Just a seatbelt and my helmet for safety and it felt amazing.  
Later in the day however one of the new privates made it a point to back talk and just flat out displays a total lack of discipline and training.   It took some time and doing but he is finally starting to understand after a few long ass chewing’s that he needs to keep his mouth under control.  I will protect and look after any of my soldiers when they act like soldiers and deserve to be treated as such instead of children I have to babysit.  But it let me know exactly what I am dealing with, after a while he finally realized what I was talking about.  A few hours later he finally shook my hand and made it clear that he understood why I am doing what I am doing and understood why I chewed him out.  So that has been brought to a rest for now but I see more and more every day that I am on a very long road and I choose this road.  Like the song asks, when will it rain?  I could use the relief of the cool breeze and water.

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