Saturday, June 11, 2011


  I have been given the pleasure of talking with a wonderful friend and it is so nice to be able to open up and not have it used against me.  I look forward to our daily talks and the normal jokes and silly humor that goes into it and it makes me feel normal again, something I haven't had in so long.  It is nice to once again just be a man, without the pressures of my job weighting down on me or the need to impress in order to get things done for my soldiers or for myself.  It's so nice to let the ice melt away and get to be human, to actually be allowed to feel things without reservations.     I wish people could understand how wonderful that sensation is to feel again, when you don't live with it for so long you forget how great it is to feel.   To be able to just reach out and be peaceful and human.

So thank you my friend, glad I got to prove you wrong about the kind of person I actually am.