Sunday, January 9, 2011

O'dark stupid!

So it's O'dark stupid back in the States and I'm bored out of my mind here in South Korea.  I'm not exactly looking forward to the cold in the morning, not in the least bit.  Also apparently at some point today, two of the three idiots I had pulled Guard duty on violated their "No Contact" order, so should be fun to see what's going to happen to them and well the soldier who's room it all took place in since he was aware of the order and helped them violate it.   I just don't get it, why can't  people just follow very simple orders?!?!?!  Better question would be, what makes these idiots think that they will get away with helping the other idiots violate those orders.  Somehow it just doesn't add up, I mean I know the term "Common Sense" is a misnomer but really people come on. 

I go back to my belief that stupidity should be painful, I know it's cruel and rather jaded but come on.  Think about how rarely people would do stupid crap if they have a flash back to some very very painful memories for the stupid crap they did in the past.  They aren't likely to repeat that action.  I mean after all Singapore has the right idea about public caning oh man do they ever have the right idea.   Make it hurt and publicly humiliate the idiot in one swoop.   Yes I know people will say well if you had it done to you, you wouldn't agree with it.  First off I'm not gonna be up there because I know how to obey the law, second I know how to follow orders and most important of all.  I like to think things through before I do them, ok not everything as proof shows by burning hell out of my eye like that, but I go back to my statement from before.  STUPIDTY SHOULD BE PAINFUL!!!!   I was stupid, I didn't read the instructions on the box and I paid for it.   Don't get me wrong I will consul someone I care about if they get hurt because of their own actions, I'm not a monster, I do have a heart.  All be it one fairly coated in ice but that's what happens when you get hurt all to often. 

  But I have no problems also taking care of those who because of something simple they got hurt, that's honestly just not right.  We can't foresee the future and predict what will come our way and I refuse to let my broken heart win out and make me heartless and bitter to the core.   There is to much beauty out there and way to much fun to be had to live like that, plus damn it I would like to find a good woman.  I know we all have flaws and I expect her to have the same, biggest problem I run into is a woman that can handle me for me.  That has been one hell of a hassle, I always get chewed out for being the type that's happy to cuddle and very sexual in nature.  Can't help it, if I'm with a woman I like she's gonna know it.  Be it neck, back, shoulder and foot massages because it's nice to give them, it shows I care and well I like keeping my hands busy.  It also gives me time to talk to my woman and find out how her day has been.  Now don't mistake this for me liking to be stepped on or hell me being submissive for that matter, this is me showing I care.  I'm a very dominate personality, just who I am can't help it.  But you can be of a certain mindset and still be giving and loving, it's what makes the human dynamic so amazing. 

So for those reading please give me some input, if need be email me or something. 


  1. There is nothing wrong with being dominant and loving. The majority of submissive women appreciate a strong alpha male who can lead plus show their human caring side. Speaking for myself and most women, we want to be touched. We adore feeling wanted, desired, and knowing you are near us.

    As far as stupid people go… some things never change. One would think that a lesson would be learned over time, yet some never learn from their mistakes.

    Just thinking about that foot massage your mentioned makes me want to purr ;-)

    Peace & Love,
    Valley Girl

  2. See why can't I bloody well find that. I mean yeah my life as a soldier makes it hard but come on.

    Yeah I'm really really good at massages.

  3. Amen on the wanting to be touched!

    Military life *is* harder, but it can also make a relationship more rewarding. IF you can find a woman who is strong enough and committed enough. And being dominant can be especially interesting during deployments... ;)

  4. Believe me having someone to come home to would make this a whole lot more bareable. Don't get me wrong I knew the life I was asking for, but what I didn't expect was the desire to actually have someone at home. As for deployments yes it can be very "entertaining" to say the least.
