Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To think I missed this place!

Yeah so I get in at O'dark stupid this morning, that's basicly anytime between 00:01 or 12am to 06:00 or 6am for you civie folks.  Anyways as I'm getting out of the cab out comes the 1st Sgt and my Platoon Sgt all kinds of happy to see me.  As soon as they see me the 1st Sgt looks to the Platoon Sgt and says "Oh he's here, well there you go, that's your guy in charge of the platoon tomorrow."  All I can think of at 01:00 is, great what pile of shit did I just land in and why?   So I'm told to be at the 06:30 pt formation like normal, yes I was awake at 05:45 like normal to get ready and I was expecting to lead the platoon all day.  Surprise and amaze the Platoon Sgt shows up and takes over, hey good less hassle for me after just getting back.  I haven't even unpacked my bags yet.  I get the wonderful news that it's gonna be a four day weekend aswell, (awesome I only work one day this week) yeah that got crapped on after the 2 mile run this morning.  Apparently last night three soldiers got locked up and I get to play babysitter for them for 12hrs a day everyday till they are pickedup and moved to a new location for trial, no weekend off like I was hoping because believe me I needed it when I saw all the snow on the ground and the balls in the throat cold I was greeted by when I got back in the country.

Yes folks I'm in a crappy mood and through all of the fun I had on Leave I actually managed to so how miss being in this gods forsaken country and all I can bring myself to admit to is this.  I miss my soldiers.  Pretty damn sad but for the young soldiers in my platoon I feel like a big brother to alot of them and do my damnedest to train and protect them. 

"And he who bleeds with me, shall be my brother!"

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