Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rat Bastards

  So yeah I'm up and bouncing out the door at 06:15 to take my freezing bum all the way up to the Ammo Holding Area to off load and store 6 rockets we picked up yesterday.  To my amazement who doesn't showup, none other than the rat bastard in charge of the AHA, instead he sends his assistant who's about useless, damn bullet sponge (read infantry).  So yeah I'm pissed off an annoyed, plus freezing on top of it all.  Like toes and fingers freezing, I still manage to get the job done despite about having to basicly teach my driver how to do his end of things aswell while I'm operate the crane at the same time. 

To top it all off, I was suppose to get off early today.  Yeah snowballs have a better chance in hell than me actually getting off early.  Doesn't help that the Platoon Sargeant is a lying sack of shit that found any and all excauses to keep from promoting me.  Yeah I know I know I'm bitching, but this is the only true outlet I have for my frustration instead of some cute lady waiting for me to get home so I can shag her senseless and then start dinner.  I don't even need a beer, I just need a good bj or screwing and a meal, how hard is that?


  1. Bitch away.. blogging is a great outlet.

  2. A good screwing and a meal: male paradise! ;)

  3. Hey I'm easy to please at least. It's simple, be where you are suppose to be, when you are suppose to be and do what is expected of you and it's all good. Not hard at all.
